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Meet Lona Slaughter: Director of Development at Girls Inc. of Chicago

Don’t be afraid to take up space and be you! There is more than enough room in this world to be who you want to be and to do what you want to do. You’re unique in the fact that there will always only be one YOU! So, please be bold, reach for the stars, and shine!

-Lona Slaughter, Director of Development, Girls Inc. of Chicago

About Lona Slaughter

Lona Slaughter has 15 years of fundraising experience in the nonprofit sector working in different capacities. She has a passion for service and has spent most of her career advocating on behalf of underserved youth.

Over the years, Lona has worked with organizations including La Rabida Children’s Hospital, Glenwood Academy, American Cancer Society, The Imagine Fund, Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, Johnson Center for Philanthropy, and more.

Originally from the south side of Chicago, Lona is proud to be home and continue her work in the city. She has a master’s degree in public and nonprofit administration and a bachelor of arts in communications and public relations. She also has national certification in nonprofit management and leadership from the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance.

In her free time, Lona loves being a fun auntie, spending time with family and friends, and all things fitness. She loves being a feminine force in the gym.

Why do you work at Girls Inc. of Chicago?

I work at Girls Inc. of Chicago because I am passionate about empowering and supporting young girls to grow up strong, smart, and bold. I am drawn to this role because I believe in the mission of providing girls with the skills, experiences, and opportunities they need to succeed. The organization’s mission resonates with me personally because I am a product of the neighborhoods we serve – disinvested communities on the south side of Chicago. Growing up on 81st and South Shore Drive, my family kept us involved in different activities, but nothing quite compares to what I have seen at Girls Inc. of Chicago. I would have loved the experience and community we provide to girls, and I am happy that I can be a small part of helping to provide that for others.

What kind of legacy do you wish to leave behind for girls of the future?

The legacy I wish to leave behind for girls of the future is one of empowerment, opportunity, and resilience. I want to ensure that every girl, regardless of her background, has the tools, support, and confidence to pursue her dreams and overcome any challenges she may face. By fostering environments where girls can grow up strong, smart, and bold, I hope to create a world where their potential knows no bounds, and their contributions are valued and celebrated. My goal is to inspire future generations to continue the work of lifting each other up and making positive changes in their communities and beyond.

What is your favorite inspirational quote?

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

– Eleanor Roosevelt

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

– A.A. Milne

What is your favorite Girls Inc. of Chicago event or program?

The Bold Girls Society (BGS) is a remarkable program that focuses on empowering high school girls to embrace their boldness and leadership potential through a range of activities and workshops. The program builds self-confidence, resilience, and advocacy skills, challenging participants to think critically, take initiative, and make an impact in their communities. The supportive environment of BGS helps girls develop their voices, pursue their passions, and grow into assertive, courageous leaders. Watching their transformation into impactful advocates and confident young women is truly inspiring and fulfilling.

What do you find most rewarding about Girls Inc. of Chicago?

The most rewarding aspect of working for Girls Inc. of Chicago (GIOC) is witnessing the transformative impact our programs have on the girls we serve. Seeing their growth, confidence, and resilience as they embrace their potential is incredibly fulfilling. Additionally, I love working in a pro-girl environment where the focus is entirely on empowering and supporting young women. Being part of a team dedicated to creating positive change and watching the girls thrive is a constant reminder of the importance and impact of our mission. I am also incredibly proud to work at GIOC and be part of a majority women team. It has been a truly rewarding experience—I absolutely LOVE it here!

Learn more about Girls Inc. of Chicago HERE!