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Embracing Growth and Transformation: The Journey of Britton Allen, Mrs. Prime 2023

Discovering Prime Pageants

“I found Prime after I had been working on myself for years and was desperately seeking a new way to push myself,” says Britton Allen, Mrs. Prime 2023. Britton’s journey with Prime Pageants began when she realized she needed an external source to further her personal growth. “When I learned that Prime was centered around personal growth, I knew it was a match made in heaven!” she shares.

I found Prime after I had been working on myself for years and was desperately seeking a new way to push myself…When I learned that Prime was centered around personal growth, I knew it was a match made in heaven!”

Britton Allen, Mrs. Prime 2023

Meet Britton Allen

Britton Allen has been married to her best friend for 12 years, and together they have an almost six-year-old son and a new puppy. As a life coach and inner child coach, Britton finds immense joy in working with teenagers, calling it “SO COOL!”

 Leadership and Mentorship

Last year, Britton had the honor of serving as Mrs. USA Prime, where she mentored state queens and helped them prepare for Nationals. This year, as Mrs. Prime, she has shifted her focus more towards the business side of Prime Pageants while continuing to pursue her personal and business goals. “Prime Pageants has changed me in so many ways, one of the most important being my ability to prioritize,” Britton notes. “I know I can make time for anything, but I can’t make time for EVERYTHING.”

 Queens Trips and Community Engagement

Britton’s involvement with Prime Pageants includes planning and participating in several Queens Trips throughout the year. Currently, she is on the planning committee for the upcoming Myrtle Beach trip in August. “I’m always so excited for moments of connection with other queens!” she exclaims. In addition to these trips, Britton is dedicated to making Prime Pageants the best it can be and preparing for Nationals. She also collaborates closely with one of their sponsors, Happy Pageant.

 Finding Confidence and Setting Larger Goals

Through Prime Pageants, Britton discovered confidence in herself and her voice. “I realized that I was aiming way too low with my goals, and I was FINALLY brave enough to set larger goals!” she reveals. The experience provided her with the tools needed to stop being a bystander in her own life and to be actively engaged. Britton joined several community boards, learned new skills, and even mastered posing for a headshot. “Being a Prime Queen absolutely changed me, and I’m forever thankful for this crazy, healing journey.”

 Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Self-Care

Despite her successes, Britton admits to struggling with physical self-care. She explains that she used to associate exercise with self-hate, making it difficult to create positive associations with working out. “I’ve put a ton of work into being able to say ‘I love myself,’ and I struggle with creating those positive associations without wrecking the hard mental work I’ve done,” she confesses. However, Britton remains optimistic about finding balance, saying, “I LOVE having a good problem to solve.”

 Passions and Hobbies

Reading is Britton’s favorite pastime, providing her with a much-needed escape. “I love getting to curl up on the couch with a book. It gives my brain a break from living MY life and lets me escape for a little bit,” she says. Music has always been a source of healing for her. Whether singing, playing the guitar, or the piano, music helps Britton understand and process her emotions. She also enjoys going on walks with her husband, their son, and their new puppy.

 A Lifelong Learner

Britton’s love for learning is evident in her enthusiasm for online courses, podcasts, and self-improvement books. “The awesome thing about the time we live in is that every single person on the internet wants to teach you something!” she exclaims. 

 Balancing Life and Business

Britton considers herself lucky to have her husband as both her life partner and business partner. Their financial check-ins are straightforward, with monthly reviews of all accounts and smaller weekly check-ins to ensure they are on track to reach their annual goals.

 The Importance of Connection and Gratitude

For Britton, spending one-on-one time with a good friend is irreplaceable. She loves catching up with loved ones and finds that practicing gratitude makes a significant difference in her life. “Practicing gratitude is the tiniest thing that makes the biggest difference in my life,” she emphasizes.

 Inner Child Work and Community Involvement

Britton’s platform is Inner Child Work. She currently serves on the boards of a local private school and the Imagination Library committee. The purpose of her platform is to encourage people to understand their inner child and engage in activities that bring joy to their inner selves.


Britton Allen’s journey with Prime Pageants has been transformative, allowing her to grow personally and professionally. Her dedication to self-improvement, community engagement, and inner child work showcases the profound impact Prime Pageants has had on her life. Britton’s story is a testament to the power of embracing new challenges and continuously striving for personal growth.

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